The Louisiana Line Camp is designed to polish skills and techniques of good offensive and defensive line play. Intensive individual coaching helps to develop confidence and improves team play. There is no contact work.
Points of Emphasis
Stance – Importance of a good stance allowing you to execute all of your assignments – not a different stance for each assignment.
Explosion Drills – Importance of pad level and maintaining power angles in the ankles, knees, and hips during the approach phse of the block.
Leverage Drills – Empasis on finishing what yu started – block starts on contact.
Steps – Landmarks – Techniques of Individual Blocks. Example: Drive block, Hook block, Down block, and Trap block (1st and 2nd level).
Steps – Landmarks – Techniques of Combo Blocks. Example: Short combo, Long combo, Inside Zone and Outside Zone.
Progression of Individual Pass Sets on defenders aligned inside, head-up, outside, and wide.
Incorporation of different pass protection schemes such as Quick (3 step), Pocket and Slide (5 step), Sprint, and Play Action.
Team Work – Working in tandem and as a unit (Bring Offensive Line teammates with you and work together).
Pass rush techniques vs. drop back-play action and three step drop.
Reaction to most commonly used blocking schemes
Effective use of hands-on defense
Work habits necessary to become an outstanding defensive player.
Extensive film study of drills and techniques